perjantai 18. tammikuuta 2013

HoArrible cx

Disturbed cx continued. Africans came pretty early with 10 HoA-stations on the band at 17 UTC. After that stations fading up and down giving at the best really nice signals. In total 13 HoA-stations were noted but not all identified. At 21 UTC Ethiopian sign off was a good one. Also some not so usual Egyptian stations were noted. At 22 UTC MOZ-sign off with five stations. After that nothing worth mentioning from Africa. No cx at night.

First U.S. stations were noted again after 23 UTC, but only one or two and very much disturbed. No cx at night. In the morning at 08 UTC again some kind of cx peak that lasted about 15 minutes. Nothing spectacular, just dominants from EC. No NA cx after that the whole day.

No Chinese stations today nor anything else from Asia. So, in all, besides the improvement in African cx, the downhill of cx is still continuing. Good thing is that it can´t get much worse anymore.

One day left of Operation D´Xcellence.

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